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Resources Capacity Academy Inbound Marketing & GA4

Inbound Marketing & GA4

March 5 – March 26 | Wednesdays, 1 – 2:30 pm ET

Price: $498. Save $100 on additional courses with a special link that you will receive via email after registering for this course.

Prerequisite: Your organization has Google Analytics 4 (GA4) set up and you have Editor or Administrator access to it.

Homework: This class does not include homework.

This course is now waitlist only. Join the waitlist to be notified if a seat opens up. Additional class sections may be offered based on interest, so please do join the list if you want to take this course.

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Harness the Full Power of Your Website

Understand how digital channels and campaigns drive traffic and conversions across your website. One of the most valuable uses for GA4 is understanding how digital channels (paid and organic) drive web traffic and conversions.

If you’ve ever wondered…

How do users arrive at my website?

Which channels or campaigns drive the most traffic?

Which channels or campaigns drive the highest quality traffic?

Which channels or campaigns drive the most conversions?

How can I optimize my campaigns and/or website to improve conversion rates?

…this course is for you!


In this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use UTMs to gather robust data on paid and organic channels
  • Confidently navigate GA4’s Acquisition reports
  • Interpret campaign and channel performance results
  • Create shortcuts in GA4 that make it easy for you to access data on key channels or campaigns


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Course Syllabus

Week 1: How to Get Robust Campaign Data in GA4: UTM Tracking and Beyond

Uncover what data GA4 can capture about how traffic originated on your website and how you can optimize and enhance that data using UTM links.

Week 2: Intro to GA4 Acquisition and Advertising Reports

Learn how to navigate GA4’s key acquisition and advertising reports. Understand available dimensions and metrics.

Week 3: Advanced Interpretation: Attribution Models in GA4

In order to interpret your channel and campaign data, it’s important to understand how GA4 measures users across visits. In this class, we’ll dive deep into the three key attribution models available in GA4 and how to use these in your analysis.

Week 4: Custom Campaign Reporting

Set yourself up for success by creating custom reports in GA4 that make key campaign or channel data available quickly and easily.

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