New Stats from Google on Mobile, Search, and Video

Capacity Interactive AUTHOR: Capacity Interactive
Jun 07, 2017
2 Min Read

I recently wrote that a mobile optimized website, search, and video were among the top digital marketing priorities for 2017Some new powerful statistics were released by Google recently at the Google Marketing Next event that are a good supplement to that post.

Critical Importance of Mobile Speed

  • For every one second in page load time, conversions can fall by up to 20%.
  • From an analysis of 900,000 mobile landing pages, as page load time goes from 1-7 seconds, the probability of a bounce more than doubles.

Importance of Mobile Search

  • 87% of smartphone owners turn to search first in a moment of need.
  • 70% of smartphone users who bought something in a store first turned to their phone for research.

Mobile and Search as Indicators of Purchase Intent

  • Consumers who click on a search ad before visiting a store are more than 25% likely to make a purchase at the store and spend 10% more on average.
  • 91% of smartphone owners bought or planned to buy something after seeing an ad that they described as relevant.

Importance of Video

  • Over 50% of internet users look for video related to a product or service before visiting a store.

What this means for arts organizations:

1. You need to invest in a mobile optimized website that is fast and easy to use. This needs to be a top priority. Since many arts organizations use third party ticketing platforms you need to push your ticketing partners to improve their mobile infrastructure with a focus on usability and speed. This is only going to get more important so the time is now. If you already have a highly-usable responsive site, then work on site speed.

2. Your Google Grant is very important and you should be using it to its maximum capacity, but you need to supplement it with paid search in key moments. With the $2 maximum cost per click you can cover certain keywords but often in competitive time periods and with top of funnel phrases you need to supplement with paid campaigns. Read more about how, when and why in a case study with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.

3. Video, Video, Video. As you plan for next season, make sure you’re budgeting for lots of video. Find inspiration with our arts marketing video reel and read this oldie but goodie.