Interactive CTA Generator for Arts Marketers 2.0
Find Your Perfect CTA
Click the grey cross-arrows to generate a unique CTA
November 16th is National Button Day and to celebrate, we’re revamping an old favorite to help you create unique buttons. We’re not talking about the buttons you put on your cool leather jacket. We’re talking about calls-to-action (CTAs).
In our first CTA Generator, we tackled four commonly used CTAs. This time around, we’re taking on four more CTAs that, sure, might haunt your dreams. But we want to change that.
If you get stuck and are just begging to use “register now” one more time, push yourself to write outside of your comfort zone. The creative process can be tricky, but it all starts with finding your voice.
Find Your Voice
1. Discover blogs and websites you love, both inside and outside of the arts industry, and pay attention to how they write.
2. Your voice is unique. Your writing voice should be, too. Remember, you’re not a robot (hopefully) so don’t write like one.
3. Edit. Rewrite. Edit. Rewrite. Publish. Analyze. Learn. Your CTA shouldn’t be the last-ditch effort in your beautifully crafted email or Facebook post. It should be the superb cherry on top that begs users to click or tap to learn more.
It’s time to get out there and create some fresh, new CTAs. You’ve got this!
Do you have some unique CTAs of your own? Share them in our comments section.