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Artificial Intelligence: The New Frontier or Unchecked Robots?
Episode 114

Artificial Intelligence: The New Frontier or Unchecked Robots?

This episode is hosted by Dan Titmuss.

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In This Episode

AI is generating a lot of buzz in the marketing sphere—but is it really worth the hype? In this episode we pull back the curtain on AI, explore its strengths and limitations, and consider how it can help arts marketers meet their goals more efficiently.

CI's Stance

Don’t miss this special, extended conversation with CI’s Managing Director Christopher Williams and Senior Consultant Dan Titmuss. They cover AI’s impact on the arts industry and pinpoint areas where AI can have the largest impact on your day-to-day work.

Dan Titmuss: Hey everyone. Dan here. And welcome back to CI to Eye. Today we’re discussing a phrase that seems to be everywhere right now: artificial intelligence. Now, in case you haven’t heard, AI is having a little bit of a moment. It’s gotten a lot of attention over the past few months since the release of ChatGPT. Everyone is scrambling to try the latest tech craze and pundits are saying that newer types of AI, like Language Learning Models, could fundamentally change how we use the internet. That’s a big deal. That’s fighting talk right there.

Now, AI might seem new and shiny, but it’s actually been part of our digital marketing for years. Just think about social media algorithms or Google’s machine learning tools. AI has already revolutionized our industry many times over, and it continues to open up new possibilities for marketers. In fact, studies show the most effective marketing teams are not just keeping up with AI, they’re embracing it.

As we move further into an AI-dominated world, it’s time to pull back the curtain on artificial intelligence and consider how it can benefit arts marketers. So in today’s episode, I’ll sit down with Christopher Williams, Capacity Interactive’s Managing Director. Together we’ll demystify AI, explore its strengths and limitations, and share low commitment ways to experiment with all the latest apps. By the end of our conversation, you’ll see how AI can help you reach your goals faster, whether that’s rebuilding audiences or maintaining a strong digital presence.

And spoiler alert, for all of you marketers out there who are currently sweating profusely at the thought of being replaced by a sentient algorithm—take a deep breath. The robots aren’t taking over anytime soon. Say it with me: AI is our friend, not foe… for now. Let’s dive in.
I am excited to welcome back a CI to Eye favorite and my AI partner in crime, Christopher Williams. Christopher, how’s it going?

Christopher Williams: Good, Dan. How are you doing?

Dan Titmuss: I’m good, thank you. Now we are both kind of getting a little bit obsessed with AI. I know that we’ve both been like on Slack together, like sending through examples of like, oh, look what it did this time. Look what it did that time. Right? And I think everyone, ourselves included, is a little bit worried about AI taking over the world a la Terminator or 2001: A Space Odyssey. You know, I think a lot of people hear AI and they, that’s where they go to first, but it’s kind of broad. We’re not just talking about robots, right?

Christopher Williams: Right. So artificial intelligence, AI, is really just a branch of computer science that’s all about teaching machines to perform tasks like humans—typically that require human intelligence, like visual perception or speech recognition or decision making. And right now it’s getting a ton of attention because of some tools that have been released over the last few months. Specifically things like ChatGPT.

So my connection to ChatGPT… I was at a leadership retreat at the beginning of December. ChatGPT was released by OpenAI on I think November 30th. And I was sitting next to our Vice President of Analytics and he was starting to tell me what this thing was. And like, I was like not even understanding the login process. And he was asking it to do these wild things. And like what was fascinating is that it seems to be a human on the other side of it, and it would respond immediately. And he was asking it to do all sorts of wild things that you just would not think like a chat bot could typically do. And I mean, it caught like wildfire and I feel like now this is all that any of us have talked about for the last three months. It has just become incredible.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. It’s everywhere right now. It’s on the front page of any newspaper you look at. My YouTube feed is filled with people, like, here’s another cool trick you can do with ChatGPT. And all these other companies are also catching up to this. So Bing Incorporated its version of GPT, like ChatGPT, into its engine. I know Google just… was it today? They released another Bard update?

Christopher Williams: Yes. So literally on the day that we decided to record this, which P.S. everyone at home, we’ve talked about recording this as a topic since essentially ChatGPT came out. And one of the reasons that we stopped doing it every single time was like, we’re like, oh, we don’t really know yet. We don’t really know what it’s all about yet. It like one of those things that’s such a moving target and changes every single day. So literally moments before we were starting to record this, you know, we’re all seeing the New York Times alerts that Google has launched its Bard chat product.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. And it can be, I think because it is so fast moving, it can feel just kind of like, oh, I’m not even gonna touch this right now. But I think it’s worth remembering that a lot of arts marketers have already been using AI, but we’ve just been calling it something else, right?

Christopher Williams: That’s right. That’s right. I mean, as consumers, we use it all the time. I have a voice assistant on my desk, which I’m trying not to say her name right now because she will start talking and you will hear her. But certainly many of us have voice assistants in our homes and we talk to ’em all the time. That’s AI. Amazon and Netflix are using AI to, you know, recommend products to us, recommend the next shows to us. We just absolutely take that for granted, but that’s what, that’s the technology that’s being employed to make that possible for us. One of my favorite things is like when Gmail completes my sentences when I’m writing emails. That’s AI and these are things that happen to us like tens of times a day, and we don’t even really think twice about them anymore because they’re just so normalized at this point.

And it certainly exists in marketing and our usage of social media and search in ways that we also take for granted, for example, like the technology that decides what to show me next in my Instagram newsfeed is AI. It is using machine learning to understand what my interests are and show me posts that it thinks I’m going to interact with. For example. it is, you know, it’s understanding like which headlines or descriptions and search copy are most likely to get me to click through. It’s understanding who’s the best candidate to take action on your marketing objective when you’re using, you know, Facebook for example. It’s automatically resizing your ads on the display network to make sure that they can show up in the best possible environments with the best possible assets. All of these things are using AI machine learning to make that possible. So again, these things are happening to us all the time already, even before this sort of advent, watershed moment of things like ChatGPT.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. You know, there’s a lot of opportunity for marketers to lean into this AI world. You know, not every business needs to use every single AI tool out there. Right? But they are generally improving things across the board. There’s a McKinsey study that said AI is positively impacting marketing more than any other business function. And they surveyed companies across the globe and the greatest revenue increase was seen in the marketing and sales departments. Which makes sense, right?

Christopher Williams: Yeah, totally makes sense. And you know, I think we see a lot of potential in these emerging technologies. We always say work smarter, not harder, and that’s literally what AI can do for us. And I think you know, our official stance is, like the benefits of AI far outweigh the drawbacks currently for arts marketers.

A lot of the experts that I follow right now are saying like, if the emergence of ChatGPT is causing you lots of anxiety and you don’t really feel like you’re able to keep up or you don’t really know what’s going on, it’s really just like we’re all here early, we’re paying attention early. And that’s actually gonna pay off for us in time as AI is so fully integrated into so many of the tools that we use on a daily basis. We’re just all here early and paying attention.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. I like something we were talking about before when you said like, it shouldn’t be a distraction. It shouldn’t be that shiny thing you just go and play with. Right?
I’m sure you did the same as me when you got AI and asked it to do all these crazy things like write poems and, you know, give me advice in the style of an old Wild West prospector. That was one of mine. And it does that. It can be that shiny, shiny toy that you’ve wanted to play with. It’s really good at that. But you have to be goal focused. You need to think of it as a tool to help you get from point A to point B. And that’s all about finding how AI can fit into your workflow.

Christopher Williams: Exactly.

Dan Titmuss: So if you’re hesitant to embrace AI, hopefully in this podcast, we can convince you to start to use it as a tool.

Christopher Williams: Yeah. I sort of liken this moment to like so many times as marketers where we’ve had to learn new things like, you know for those of us who are older, I remember that moment in time where we went to conferences for the first time and like Google Analytics was introduced to us for the first time and we were all going like, what do we have to do with this? What does this do? ‘Cause it was literally brand new. And like today as arts marketers, it seems impossible that we would’ve asked a question like that.

You could say a similar thing about like the advent of vertical video. There were moments where we were just like, really, is anyone gonna watch their video when it’s in this shape versus landscape? And so, you know, we’re in another one of those moments. We’ve certainly experienced moments like this in the past, and it’s about like being uncomfortable with something that’s new and learning and being open and curious and hopefully allowing it to enhance your work versus like, take away your work.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. And also save you money.

Christopher Williams: Yeah, for sure.

Dan Titmuss: Let’s talk about that.

Christopher Williams: Yeah, absolutely. Well, you know, I think this is one of those things like, as a digital marketer, you know, you’re loath to say, because it starts to just sound like such a buzzword, but machine learning is real. And it really does some of the things in digital marketing better than, or faster than, or more efficiently than a human can. And those things for arts marketers are critical. We need every single penny to work as hard as it possibly can for us. So, you know, if you’re using the, you know, Google Ads network to amplify your display advertising across different websites, wherever consumers are going, machine learning can make sure that your ads can appear in all of those different places by rearranging your assets and making sure that they can fit in the available inventory on those pages, and perhaps using the most effective assets in your ad arsenal to like display in those placements. So those things aren’t, were not present for every single one of those consumers. And that’s where these machine learning tactics can actually make all of those things perform better, thus saving us money and making them more effective.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. And it is an extension of that A/B testing that we still do, but we used to really, really focus on. Right? Where we’d have… a really common tactic was to have two ads that we’d written, we’d place them against each other, and whoever won sort of stayed on. So you’d have another challenger come in after that with a third ad who would face the winner, and then just keep going like that, improving your ads. All this is doing is making that process way more efficient with machine learning, which is great for us, right? It can do more than we can, much more efficiently, which will allow us to do the stuff that we do way better.

Christopher Williams: A hundred percent.

Dan Titmuss: So another major benefit we talk about all the time is faster content creation. Which is something that I’m really, really excited about. Right? AI-powered writing assistants. They can help you write blog posts or social captions in like half the time or a quarter of the time.

Christopher Williams: I think everyone can relate to like needing to like write, you know, some really fascinating copy at the end of your workday, which is probably—at least for me—is the least advantageous time for me to do such a thing. And that’s where something like ChatGPT can literally change your life. And I personally have been obsessed with using it to like, solve those kinds of problems for me, like helping me write a draft of something, helping me come up with an idea so that then I can use, like, for me, the much more proficient editor part of my brain to then take it to the next step.

So it could be an interesting time for us now to do like a live demonstration on ChatGPT for everybody who’s listening. So we’re gonna pretend that it’s the end of my workday, and it is the end of my workday. And I am gonna ask ChatGPT to help me write some copy for an Instagram post for The Nutcracker. I’m gonna type into ChatGPT, “You are a social media content creator for a ballet company.”

Dan Titmuss: Okay.

Christopher Williams: “Write a caption for an Instagram post about the Kingdom of the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker. It should evoke fantasy, magic and nostalgia.”

Dan Titmuss: Excellent.

Christopher Williams: And so ChatGPT responds immediately and says, “Step into the enchanting world of the Kingdom of the Sugar Plum Fairy, where fantasy and magic collide to create a timeless holiday tradition that fills our hearts with nostalgia. Join us on a journey through a land of sweets where sugar plum fairies dance, snowflakes twirl, and dreams come to life.” Sparkle emoji, Christmas tree emoji, snowflake emoji, hashtag nutcracker, hashtag Kingdom of the Sugar Plum Fairy, hashtag holiday magic, hashtag enchanting, hashtag ballet fantasy, hashtag timeless tradition, hashtag dance dreams, hashtag nostalgia overflowing.

Dan Titmuss: Wow. Not bad!

Christopher Williams: Not bad. Like, not bad. So we are recording, it is 5:02 Eastern daylight time. And I feel as though my brain at this time of day would not have too much of a problem editing this copy.

Dan Titmuss: I like that you sort of prompted it to be something first.

Christopher Williams: Yeah. If you as a listener are intrigued by a ChatGPT, I think one of the things I’ve learned by playing with it and watching a lot of other like AI experts talk about it, you have to treat it… You have to treat it like it’s alive, and like tell it how to behave or ask it to help you, help it. And so that’s one of the things I’ve learned is like, I kind of need to tell it like the headspace that I am currently in so that it can join me in that headspace and try to approach the problem I’m asking it to solve.
So another thing that I love to use ChatGPT for is to like, help me come up with ideas. Again, you have the ability to then put on your editor hat and like make sense of some of those ideas. But you can ask it to help you get there. So this is what we’ll do this time. I’m going to say, “Give me some social media content ideas to promote the musical Funny Girl.”

Dan Titmuss: And it’s worth pointing out here that this is all data based on 2021 and earlier. So some of the recent Funny Girl drama won’t be in this post.

Christopher Williams: That is such a good point. Okay. So it’s giving us several ideas. In my experience when I ask ChatGPT for content ideas, it usually almost always gives me seven. Let’s see if it stops at seven. Okay. It’s already on to number eight. It’s on to number nine.

Dan Titmuss: It’s on a roll!

Christopher Williams: It’s on to number 10.

Dan Titmuss: It must be an evening person.

Christopher Williams: Yes. So ChatGPT does not have any late afternoon, early evening fatigue. So let me read… I won’t read necessarily all 10 of these. So here’s some examples.
Share a short video clip of a memorable scene or musical number from Funny Girl to grab attention and excitement from your followers. Interview the cast and creative team behind Funny Girl and share their insights on the making of the musical. Create a countdown to opening night with daily trivia or facts about the show to generate buzz or interest.

So the thing that I can tell by reading this is like, it didn’t matter what musical I put in here, in this case, the ideas are kind of like generic for promotion generally, honestly. And so in this case, what I would want to do is give it some more information. So let’s do that.

So we’re gonna go back into the prompt. It thinks it’s still having the conversation with us. So we can just pick up here and say, “Give me more specific ideas for content, which will be posted on Instagram, generally appealing to fans of musical theater between the ages of 35 and 75.”

So already it’s starting to feel more specific to this production. “Share throwback photos of the original Broadway production of Funny Girl and compare it to your production.” Okay. Already that’s a better idea to me. Oh, I like this one ’cause then it’s really talking about—it knows the placement. It says, “Create a meet-the-cast series on Instagram stories.” So it’s very specifically saying like, what kind of content and where on Instagram. “Create a meet-the-cast series on Instagram stories where you feature one cast member per day and share fun facts about their background and interests.” “Host an Instagram live Q and A with the show’s director or choreographer to answer fan questions and generate buzz.”

Listen. So the takeaway here to me is like, not that it gets it right on the first time, it’s that you understand like how you can begin to ask it more specific questions. We could keep giving it more and more data about how you’re going to run a campaign or who you’re trying to appeal to, or what action you want them to take. Maybe you’re trying to create content that actually, what you really want people to do is share the content versus like buy a ticket. You could start to tell ChatGPT that those are your objectives and it’s gonna start to tailor what it gives to you based on that.

Some of the other interesting things we could do right now is like, I literally could click a button that would just ask it to regenerate the response. So it’s just gonna go back to the well and try to give me probably 10 more ideas that are somewhat different than the ones I have. So that’s another tactic somebody could try.
But one of my favorite hacks is when I get done, let’s say I’m really happy with the ideas that it just gave me. What I could do right now is say, “What is the exact prompt I would need to give you next time to get this same result?” So I like to use this because this helps me understand when I’ve gone to the trouble of having a long conversational with ChatGPT, like how I can come back to it next time and actually give it the prompt it needs in order to give me a better answer the first time. Again, like, if you treat ChatGPT kind of like it’s alive and a true partner, and when you’re stumped and you’re not getting what you want, I would say ask it to help you. Ask it to help you.

Dan Titmuss: I think ChatGPT is so good for that short form content. One of the tools that I have used if you wanna create like lengthier content that kind of looks a little bit more like a Google doc that you might be familiar with, is Rytr. And it can do a couple of things. It can still write some of the short form content. You can choose different versions here of what you want it to do. But one of the ones that I really, really like is this blog idea and outline. This is something that could appeal to someone who is creating blog content for SEO, right? So if I put in this primary keyword word of “how do trombones work”—so with this one, we’ve previously done keyword research which is still very, very important and something that AI at the moment can’t do as well. You can select the tone and creativity level as optimal. I’m gonna click Ryte For Me…

Christopher Williams: It may be worth saying to folks, when Dan says writer, it actually is R-Y-T-R dot M-E.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. Like a true like Silicon Valley startup. It’s replaced all of the vowels with y. And we have essentially a kind of first draft of an outline for what our blog is gonna be. Right? So I’m gonna use that human instinct now to just whittle this down a little bit.

Now, when I click that paragraph text, it’s gonna take all of that as an input and give us an output. And the output it’s given us here is, “The trombone is a unique and versatile brass instrument that has been around for centuries. It has a characteristic sound that sets it apart from other brass instruments, such as the trumpet or the French horn. But what makes the trombone so special? In this article, we’ll explore how brass instruments work, the differences between a trumpet and a trombone, and how the slide trombone works. By the end of this article, you’ll have an understanding of what makes a trombone so unique and why it is one of the most beloved instruments today.”

Christopher Williams: Amazing.

Dan Titmuss: I think that’s a pretty good introduction. Right? And if we want to, if we want this to be even longer, we can click Continue Writing and it will continue to take that as an input and put out even more things.

Christopher Williams: Do you know of any people in the field specifically, like our constituency, that are using a tool like this?

Dan Titmuss: I know a couple of clients have started to started to play around with using AI tools. I know that MNN [Manhattan Neighborhood Network]—we’ve got a case study on how they’ve adapted some of their blog content to be more SEO focused. They have used Jasper in the past. They don’t use it extensively, but they’ve used it more as a writing assistant, which is kind of exactly what it should be.

Christopher Williams: Right. We talked a lot about how AI-generated content can really help people work smarter. And I know we’ve gotten some questions about this as consultants. Certainly I know you got some, Dan, after you talked about using AI to generate content at our conference last year. How do you respond to questions of ethics and plagiarism when they relate to AI?

Dan Titmuss: Yeah, I think that people are rightly concerned about plagiarism. Anytime there is output, there needs to be input. And what is that input? It’s stuff that people have written. It’s stuff that people have created. And we’ve mentioned a couple of times that, for example, the engine behind ChatGPT and a lot of these tools, that uses data from 2021 and earlier.

Now the AI content that it puts out is totally fresh language. It is brand new words that should be original. And I know things like Rytr also have built in plagiarism checkers. So anything that the AI has written or actually anything that you’ve written yourself, you can highlight that and check it for plagiarism and it, you know, should cross-reference that across its database and see if it’s stealing from anywhere.

Christopher Williams: Yeah. Plagiarism is a good segue into some of the other limitations of AI. It’s certainly not without its downsides. There’s a lot of conflict and opinion pieces being written and discussed about AI right now. And one is the human element.

I feel like every other morning when I read my daily email from Seth Godin right now, he’s basically reminding us in various different ways how important the human element is as AI is just talked about nonstop all day long. And I get it. And I actually, I am really valuing that reminder right now, largely because I understand that the digital space is super, super crowded and AI is going to help people create even more content.

And, you know, I think humans have the ability to make that content like unbelievably emotional, or funny, or insert your favorite emotion here. And I question, you know, something like ChatGPT’s ability to really like appeal, you know, to like my emotions deep down in my soul the way that an actual human being can.
And so I think if you’re really—to be differentiated, like, sure. You can use AI to sort of harvest ideas or give you a first draft, but like the human element of this is really important. And I also think like as arts organizations and people who create art, it’s important for us to be reinserting ourselves into the process of content creation as human beings. And at the end of the day, like, you know, do you think that ChatGPT is fully capable of representing your brand’s voice or expert opinions? Because Dan, we tried to have ChatGPT write a case study for us. Right?

Dan Titmuss: I was just about to say, we tried. Yeah. We tried to have it make a case study and all it really did was repeat the facts back to us. There wasn’t that narrative aspect, right? So it’s not as good at that. Our sort of natural want for storytelling and emotion, that’s always gonna outrank, outperform those other articles anyway.

Christopher Williams: Right. Yeah. And I think, you know, I think when you talk about this amongst friends or colleagues, people will say, or joke, “This is gonna take my job!” And this is actually the way that I make myself feel better, or other people feel better, is like, humans are going to be needed. We’re always going to be needed in order to evoke emotion. And creating and selling art is all about that. And so it just, you know, this is going to help us as a tool, and it’s a tool. And it should stay in its toolbox.

Dan Titmuss: Like, the worry of “AI’s gonna take our jobs!” can be replaced with “AI’s gonna take the boring bits of our jobs!” Like that’s something to think about.

Christopher Williams: That’s brilliant. That’s brilliant. Also, please take the boring bits of my job. Please take the boring bits of my job.

Dan Titmuss: I don’t wanna have to look at like an Excel formula that is giving me trouble for half an hour when ChatGPT can look at that and say, you are just referring to the wrong thing when you are like filtering this bit, for example. That’s way better.

Christopher Williams: Absolutely. Which, it’s great at that! I, you know, I love Excel—or Google Sheets is what I really use—but you know, I’m not the best at creating really, you know, wild and powerful formulas. And I can literally write a narrative to ChatGPT now and it will actually typically give me the formula, like on the first go and it will work. And like that to me is a big time saver and like a tool that I’m really grateful for, honestly.

I know another sort of ethics question that we’ve talked about is, sort of the ethics around using AI to create images. Which it can, if you didn’t know that. It absolutely can. I’ve seen content over the last few days of some other platforms that are now creating video from text, which just blows my mind. I already, you know, I knew that it could do that, but like new versions of those tools have come out. So like, even that is happening. It’s just wild how fast this evolves.

And some of the things that we’ve noticed is that sometimes when you use AI via text to create an image, you will actually be able to discern in the image that it sends back to you, like the blur of the artist’s signature or the blur of a Shutterstock logo or something like that. And then I think all of us understand that that feels like stealing. It is stealing. Right? And so I think we all need to be really thoughtful about whether or not we think that’s a good idea.

I think at our firm we have decided for now that we are not gonna use AI in those ways and that we’re gonna rely on stock and actual artists. And that is not in judgment of an organization with fewer resources or less time who would like to try this. And I think what we’re saying is like, just be cautious. Look for the signs that perhaps this robot has sourced its images and created an image from you that has perhaps stolen from portions of someone else’s creation.

Dan Titmuss: And I think also this is another thing that will get better, as well, over time, hopefully. I can’t imagine it not, considering the outrage that’s happened over those last few months with people complaining about images being stolen.

Christopher Williams: You know, I think the last thing that’s on my mind is, and I think it’s on the minds of a lot of arts marketers, is just how AI and chat are going to cause disruptions within search marketing. You know, searching generally as consumers has not changed a lot since it was invented. Essentially going into a search engine, typing what you wanna find, being served results via links on a search engine results page, picking one, clicking on it, and exiting the SERP to a website. That path for consumers has largely remained the same for a really long time.

So now I feel like we’re really heading into a moment where, things like ChatGPT or Google’s Bard are going to change that. We may find that our questions are answered within the search results in the form of a chat conversation. And we don’t necessarily continue the journey onto an organization or a product’s website. And no one can really say exactly what that’s gonna look like. I think there’s some things that we can speculate about, which are that Google has a lot on the line financially to make sure that search marketing continues to work for them, so that they continue to make money. And that will certainly mean that their consumers who participate in the auction, in paid search, also get people to their websites and continue to sell products.

There’s a lot of unknowns. And no one can really say exactly what’s gonna happen there. And I think it’s for all of us to, you know, be open and agile and curious and see how it evolves. But it certainly, I think that that is going to be a big disruption in 2023.

Dan Titmuss: Yeah. Agreed. And it’s evolving at the speed of light. Like, we will look at this podcast in a year, maybe even six months…

Christopher Williams: Or a week…

Dan Titmuss: Or a week! And think, oh, how wrong we were about this. Oh, how right we were about this. And how we didn’t even consider this third option. Right? The unknown unknowns are huge when it comes to AI.

And I think just, you know, remain skeptical, remain practical. I think that’s a really good message here. You know, is AI perfect? No, not by a country mile! Right? But is it worth exploring? Absolutely.
Arts marketers, they stand to gain a lot from these new tools. And they’re not gonna replace human creativity and ingenuity, but they will make your life easier and get you closer to your goals faster.

Christopher Williams: Absolutely. You know, think about where your weaknesses are in your workday, for example. Not that, you know, tools like this need to be limited to work, but think about how tools like this can actually do those tedious things for you or inspire ideas for you. They don’t have to finish the job for you. But I think it’s about giving yourself like a few moments in a day or in a week to just start experimenting with these different kinds of chatbots and seeing what they can do for you.

Dan Titmuss: Awesome. Christopher, thank you so much for being here and helping us break down CI’s stance on this new AI world.

Christopher Williams: My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me.

Dan Titmuss: We thought it might be fun to have AI write a conclusion for this episode. Here are some final thoughts from a robot.

Robot: Well, folks, we’ve explored the topic of artificial intelligence and its impact on digital marketing, and the verdict is in. AI is definitely the future. From personalized content to predictive analytics, it’s clear that AI technology has the potential to revolutionize the marketing industry and take it to new heights. But it’s also important to remember that AI is not some kind of silver bullet that will solve all of our marketing problems. We still need human creativity and strategic thinking to complement the power of AI. And as AI continues to evolve and integrate more deeply into our marketing strategies, it’s essential that we keep up to date and embrace new tools and techniques. So to all the marketers out there, don’t be afraid of the rise of the machines. Embrace it and start thinking about how you can leverage AI in your own work.

Dan Titmuss: Honestly, that’s pretty self-aware for a robot. Nice work, malevolent AI overlord.

Thank you for listening to CI to Eye. This episode was edited and produced by Karen McConarty and co-written by Karen McConarty and Krisi Packer. Stephanie Medina and Jess Berube are CI to Eye’s designers and video editors, and all four work together to create CI’s digital content. Our music is by whoisuzo.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for regular content to help you market smarter. You can also sign up for our so you never miss an update. And if you haven’t already, please click the subscribe button wherever you get your podcasts.

Until next time, stay nerdy.

About Our Guests
Christopher Williams
Christopher Williams
VP, Managing Director, Capacity Interactive

Christopher Williams is Capacity Interactive’s VP, Managing Director. Christopher has been marketing the arts across the country for nearly 30 years at performing arts centers, the Coconut Grove Playhouse, and New York City Center where he served as Director of Marketing before joining Capacity Interactive in 2013.

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Why Audiences Aren’t Coming Back and How to Fix It
EP 133
Nov 21, 2024
Why Audiences Aren’t Coming Back and How to Fix It

In today’s post-pandemic world, keeping our audiences engaged and organizations financially healthy can feel like an uphill battle. Changing audience behaviors have disrupted traditional marketing strategies, and high churn rates among first-time visitors, subscribers, and donors are slowing revenue growth. But what if there’s a way forward that breaks from the traditional playbook?

In this episode, CI President Priya Iyer Doshi sits down with industry leader Aubrey Bergauer to discuss her new book, Run It Like A Business. Aubrey draws inspiration from outside the arts to rethink how organizations can boost relevance, drive revenue, and better serve our communities. Discover how adapting for-profit strategies for non-profit goals can help move your organization forward.

Tired of the Scraps
EP 133
Sep 12, 2024
Tired of the Scraps

Governor Ron DeSantis’ recent veto of over $30 million in arts and culture funding is more than just a financial blow to Florida arts organizations—it undermines the social and economic contributions our industry provides. How can we clearly communicate the vital role our organizations play to stakeholders and policymakers?

In this episode, CI’s VP, Managing Director Christopher Williams speaks with Chris Brown, Executive Director of Orlando Family Stage, about how advocates can make a stronger case for arts funding by highlighting the industry’s vital role in boosting local economies, fostering community well-being, and enriching society.

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